Hip Pain Relief
Hip Pain Chiropractic
A common affliction people experience with age is Hip Pain, and here at Rush Chiropractic, we can help you with that!
Our hips serve innumerable functions for our body; they keep us upright, allow us to bear weight, walk smoothly, run, jump, kick, play. Since the hips are engaged in nearly every way we move, pain in this area can have debilitating consequences for patients. Although hip pain is frequently the result of osteoarthritis or injury, it can also be a sign of other health conditions. A doctor of chiropractic can help you identify the source of your hip pain and develop a tailored treatment plan for your symptoms.
Hip pain can derive from the structures within the hip joint or from the structures and ligaments surrounding the joint. Within the joint itself, there is limited space for the femoral head to move in the socket of the acetabulum. If an injury or illness triggers inflammation, this space can become easily filled with fluid or blood, causing pain. Inflammation of the sac outside of the hip, bursitis, can also be the source of pain. Bursitis is often the result of minor trauma or overuse.
Chiropractic treatment will help you avoid unnecessary pain and disability and slow the progression of the disease. Hence, delay possible surgery or maybe even avoid the need for it.
Apart from examining the hip joint, it is important to include an examination of the back, knee, ankle, and foot. All these areas can influence the hip problem.

Examinations and Procedures
Although the physical examination usually, easily picks up the problem, an x-ray examination is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. The x-ray findings will also give a clearer picture of how severe the problem is.
This will help the chiropractor to give an accurate prognosis, rule out other causes and help to select the most appropriate treatment.
So how can chiropractic treatment help?
The aims of the treatment are:
- Reduce inflammation improving movement of the joint Relaxing painful muscle spasm
- Strengthening weakened muscles
- Lifestyle and exercise advice Nutritional advice
The treatment will involve stretching and massage techniques to tight and tender muscles, gentle mobilization techniques and manipulation of the affected joints and the use of ultrasound or interferential modalities.
You will also be given exercises based on your personal needs and fitness level. Supervised exercise-programs have been shown to be far more effective than unsupervised programs and we would, therefore, suggest that it should be your first choice. Good nutritional support and a healthy lifestyle are of course always important to keep you healthy and feeling well. It becomes particularly important if your body needs to heal from an injury.
Visit us and set an appointment for you or a loved one today!