Safe and Effective Exercise for Teenagers Under Chiropractic Care

Some people are surprised to learn that chiropractic can be a great treatment choice for teens.

Chiropractic care for teenagers can be a safe, effective, and medication-free way to treat pain, or it may be part of your teen’s recovery program from a recent injury.

Parents often seek chiropractic care for their teens to help with:

  • Sports injuries
  • Recovery after a car accident or slip and fall
  • Pain from a growth spurt
  • Biomechanical issues like scoliosis
  • Text neck syndrome—pain from extended bending to look down at the phone

Chiropractic Care for Your Teen

An experienced chiropractor can perform manual spinal adjustments, use hot, cold and massage therapies, and even provide posture and ergonomic training to correct underlying biomechanical problems.

In addition, an essential component of most chiropractic care for teens is often exercise—namely stretching and strengthening exercises prescribed for a specific purpose.

Exercise for Teens in Chiropractic Care

Even teens receiving chiropractic treatment for things like pain and injury can benefit greatly from exercise.

In addition to the many health benefits of staying regularly active, targeted exercise can help speed your teen’s recovery, alleviate pain, and help prevent chronic issues.

Exercise for Teens in Chiropractic Care

Although your teen’s exercise regimen will be personalized for his or her needs, here are some exercises commonly recommended by chiropractors for teens in their care:

  1. General stretching. This can include things like floor stretching, yoga, barre, Pilates and more to increase flexibility and strength.
  2. Targeted stretching. Many chiropractors will recommend specific targeted stretching exercises to increase your teen’s range of motion in problem areas, especially after an injury.
  3. Strength Training. Targets muscles weakened due to injury or the effects of overuse. Strength exercises for teens can include weight-bearing exercises, lifting weights, workouts with resistance bands, or body weight workouts that can be done at home.
  4. Core Strength. Strengthening the core with targeted exercise can help reduce musculoskeletal pain and correct things like improper form during sports or workouts, which can cause recurring injuries for your teen.
  5. Water Exercise. Your chiropractor may recommend water exercise as part of your teen’s chiropractic therapy to reduce strain on joints—especially important after an injury and for teens suffering joint pain from growth spurts.

In addition to special exercises, your chiropractor is likely to recommend that your teen resume regular activities like biking, running, swimming, and sports as soon as it is safe to do so.

Combined with regular chiropractic visits, exercise will be an essential part of your teen’s progress and recovery, so be sure to provide encouragement and guidance wherever you can.

Want to Find Out More About Chiropractic Care for Your Teen?

Dr. Brian Rush, DC specializes in chiropractic therapy for teens, and his expert care can help your kid get back to being pain-free and active.

His practice also includes an onsite corrective exercise specialist who can evaluate your teen and prescribe exercise therapy as needed.

So don’t wait—call Rush Chiropractic & Rehab at 954-432-5006 to set up a consultation today!

Frequently Asked Questions: Exercise for Teenagers Under Chiropractic Care

Is exercise safe for teens under chiropractic care?

Exercise can be very safe for teens under chiropractic care, and when done properly, it can speed and aid the recovery process.

Just be sure your teenager follows all the doctor’s instructions—including regular rest—and doesn’t try to do too much too soon on the recovery journey.

Exercise for Teenagers Under Chiropractic Care

Will we need special equipment for the exercises the chiropractor recommends?

You may need a few affordable and easy-to-find items like hand weights or resistance bands, but many chiropractic exercises for teens require no equipment at all. If you don’t want to buy new equipment (and your insurance doesn’t cover it), talk to your chiropractor about equipment-free alternatives.

How can I get my teenager to stick to the exercise regimen?

Getting teenagers to stick to things isn’t always easy, but parents can often help by coaching or even exercising right alongside their teens.

If your teen is having difficulty sticking to an exercise regimen, your chiropractor may be able to recommend some alternatives like guided physical therapy sessions.

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